Sunday, 28 May 2023

VI Lenin quotations on parliamentary system


List the VI Lenin  quotations on parliamentary system


Here are several notable quotations by Vladimir Lenin on the parliamentary system:


"Parliamentary elections alone do not solve the problem of democracy; they solve it no better than any other form of elections." (From "State and Revolution," 1917)


"Parliamentarism... no matter how democratic, is always a false democracy, democracy for the rich, democracy for the minority." (From "State and Revolution," 1917)


"The bourgeoisie and the opportunists within the labor movement... completely deny the socialist revolution in practice by their belief in... the peaceful parliamentary road." (From "The Collapse of the Second International," 1915)


"The fact that every worker and every toiling peasant knows that the masses of the people must overthrow the bourgeoisie does not mean that a class-conscious worker who has gone through the experience of the revolution... believes in the parliamentary road to socialism." (From "Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution," 1905)


"The class-conscious proletariat can give its consent to a provisional government composed of the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie, but such a government must be strictly subordinated to the proletariat, i.e., it must be a government under the control of the proletariat organized as a separate party." (From "The Dual Power," 1917)


These quotes reflect Lenin's skepticism toward the parliamentary system as a means to achieve genuine democracy and socialism. He believed that parliamentary elections alone did not solve the problem of democracy and argued that parliamentary democracy often served the interests of the bourgeoisie. Lenin emphasized the need for revolutionary action and the establishment of a proletarian-led government that could advance the interests of the working class. He considered the parliamentary road to socialism as insufficient and advocated for a more radical transformation of society.

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